Hello everyone. I am starting a new project in my writing endeavors. As a former science teacher, I know how difficult it is to get students to read anything in a textbook. I don't blame them. Textbooks are dull, dry, and not all that interesting to read unless you are super invested in the information already. It occurred to me that if I could write a few short stories to give a bit of fun and flavor to a set of science content facts, it might be something teachers could use to get students to buy into reading. And just maybe get them to have some investment into reading their textbooks as a follow-up to the short stories.
Anyway, I have begun a few of the stories on a variety of science content topics and would like your help. I have added a link below to take you to one of these stories. If you would like to participate, All I ask is that you read the story, and comment about it here on this blog page. Let me know what you think. Does this help add interest to the science content? Would the addition of links to learn more about the content help? Any suggestions for improvements in the story itself? Remember, this is intended to help students in grades 4 through 8 so the content is necessarily less dense than it would be for high schoolers and intended only as something to increase interest in the subject.
This particular short story is titled "The Quest". It is a fantasy-style tale involving elves, dwarfs, and other characters following a scrolled poem to locate a dark castle. It is intended to describe the rock cycle.
Simply click on the link below and read the story. Then leave your comments on this blog page. Thank you for any help and insight you can provide.
click this link to go to the story: The Quest
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